Month: April 2022

Is it fair to call Israel an “apartheid” state?

On February 2nd, Amnesty International released a report alleging that Israel operates an “apartheid regime” against Palestinians – not just in the West Bank, but inside Israel itself. Is this charge justified? OFIP asked British Israeli journalist Jonathan Cook to discuss the situation of Palestinians living inside the state of Israel. Watch the webinar….

Compared to the Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank or Gaza, the Palestinian citizens of Israel undoubtedly are better off economically, and have more rights.

IJV Canada has launched a “Together against apartheid” campaign which includes a “pledge” to not shy away from using the word “apartheid” when appropriate.

It is frequently asserted that while those other Palestinians may suffer from Israeli oppression, at least in Israel, Palestinian citizens enjoy equal rights.

Israel does have many of the institutions which are characteristic of “liberal democratic” countries. All citizens of Israel, including its Palestinian citizens, benefit from universal suffrage, free education, free healthcare and the right to travel anywhere they want inside Israel and even to travel outside of the country among other things.

On the other hand, even Israel’s admirers recognize that there are many examples of how the Palestinian citizens of Israel face economic and social discrimination. But does this really amount to “apartheid”? Or is Israel just “liberal democratic” state with some failings, like….. well like Canada, which also has its own failings?

Watch our interview with Jonathan Cook here:

Cook’s description of Israel will challenge those who believe Israel is a “liberal democracy” like Canada and that ending the occupation of ’67 would resolve the main issues between Israel and the Palestinians.

For this reason, I am especially interested in receving comments from those who feel that the portrayal of Israel in the webinar is unfair or untrue. This blog exists to promote an honest and open discussion about Israel/Palestine. I am happy to receive serious objections and counter arguments and encourage respectful debate and disagreements in the “comments” section. NOTE: Ad hominem attacks are not tolerated and will not be published.

Canada Talks Israel Palestine (CTIP) is the weekly newsletter of Peter Larson, Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP). It aims to promote a serious discussion in Canada about Canada’s response to the complicated and emotional Israel/Palestine issue with a focus on the truth, clear analysis and human rights for all. Readers with different points of view are invited to make comment.

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Canadian muslims urge Trudeau government to condemn Israeli assault on worshippers at al Aqsa mosque

The National Council of Canadian Muslims has called on the Canadian government to condemn the recent attacks by Israeli police on Palestinian Muslim worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. So far the Canadian government has been platitudinous, only calling for “de-escalation”. Read more.

Israeli researchers provide answer to Ambassador Rae’s anguished question about morality

After reading allegations that Russian troops had looted Ukrainian homes and were selling their goods in a yard sale, Hon. Bob Rae, Canada’s Ambassador to the UN, was shocked. “What kind of a country even does this?”, he tweeted. Fortunately, an Israeli organization which has been researching the Nakba provides the answer. According to an Akevot Institute report, this is exactly what Jewish Israelis did in 1947/48. Read more….


Jewish Group launches Canada-wide education campaign on Israeli apartheid

On Sunday, March 20th, Independent Jewish Voices Canada launched a campaign to raise awareness of, and urge Canadian action against, Israeli apartheid against Palestinians. CTIP interviewed IJV’s Corey Balsam about the objectives of the campaign and the main activities proposed. Read more and watch the interview….


Trudeau extends “Russia type” sanctions to Israel and Saudi Arabia over human rights violations

Ukrainian, Youthi and Palestinian victims of aggression. A war crime is a war crime is a war crime” declared Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today. “There is no reason in the world why Israel or Saudi Arabia should be allowed to commit war crimes against civilians any more than Russia.” Read more…
