Month: March 2021

Miko Peled hopes to talk to thousands more North Americans about Israel/Palestine with new accessible platforms

Miko Peled grew up in a Zionist family. His father was a well-known Israeli general who became a member of the Israeli Parliament (Knesset). But Peled gradually turned away from Zionism and became a tireless advocate for human rights for Palestinians. His speeches across North American regularly draw hundreds. Now he is launching a new intiative aimed at drawing thousands more, even millions, into the conversation about Israel and the Palestinians. Read more, and watch the 12 minute interview…


Do Palestinians have the right to return? And if they do, is it realistic to expect it will ever really happen? A rare public discussion in Canada of a sensitive topic.

On March 3, a rare public discussion/debate took place in Ottawa on the tricky issue of the Palestinian “right of return”. Ottawa lawyer Jon Snipper, (bottom left) opposes the Palestinian right of return on what he feels are sound legal and moral grounds. OFIP chair Peter Larson (top right) supports it. The session was moderated by former Canadian ambassador Rick Kohler (bottom right) and questions were handled by professor Gerald Wright (top left). Watch the video recording of the event. See what you think. (Warning, its 2 hour long so get a cup of coffee!!)


Why does Israel fear ICC investigation of alleged war crimes in West Bank and Gaza while the Palestinian Authority and Hamas welcome it?

ICC prosecutor Fatima Bensouta announced on March 3 that the International Criminal Court will proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes carried out in the Occupied Palestinian territories. The investigations will cover actions of all actors, including Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Israel objects strongly, but the PA and Hamas both say “bring it on”. Do you wonder why? Read more…


While Canadian parliamentarians focus on what China is doing, they should also take a look at what Israel and its settlers are up to

Israeli border police stand by as a bulldozer destroys yet another Palestinian building in the West Bank. Bi-weekly reports from the UN paint a chilling picture of Palestinians being killed, farmers beaten, children arrested, sheep poisoned, and houses destroyed, by Israeli settlers and the Israeli military. Canadian media, and the Canadian government, all but ignore a campaign of ethnic cleansing that is taking take place just under the radar. If you think “ethnic cleansing” is too strong a word, read more and suggest another word…
