Month: November 2021

This month the UN General Assembly will be condemning Israel – again – on the issue of Palestinian rights. Why?

un-partition-1947On November 29th, 1947, exactly 74 years ago, the UN took a dramatic decision to “partition” historic Palestine into a “Jewish State” and an “Arab State”. What do you know about that decision and Canada’s role in it? First, try our test. Then register for the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine webinar on  December 7th: “Why is the UN so critical of Israel?“with UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk. Read more… (more…)

Deathbed apology by last Apartheid South African leader begs a question: “Where is Israel’s de Klerk?”

F.W. de Klerk, who as South Africa’s last apartheid president oversaw the end of the country’s white minority rule, has died at the age of 85. In a pre-recorded message to the South African Nation, de Klerk apologised “unreservedly” for the pain and suffering caused by South African Apartheid. Read more…


Israel’s widening use of the “terrorist” label – from ice cream to human rights organizations – a conversation with Sari Bashi, author of Ha’aretz column “Umm Forat”

When Ben and Jerry’s announced it would no longer sell ice cream in the West Bank, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog labelled the move “a new kind of terrorism”. CTIP interviews Sari Bashi, a columnist with the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, about Israel’s widening use of the “terrorist” label to sully legitimate opposition. Watch the interview...
