Month: September 2016

Young Palestinian politician in Israeli Knesset to outline “vision for hope” in Ottawa on Oct. 18th


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Dr. Yousef Jabareen MK, member of the Israeli Knesset, is one of the new generation of Palestinian leaders.  A Palestinian citizen of Israel, 44 year old Jabareen will be in Ottawa for a week of meetings with Canadian officials, NGOs and other civil society organizations. At his only public event, on Tuesday, October 18th, he will present his “Vision for hope” in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Learn more… (more…)

Campus roundup: The struggle at Durham College to defend Palestinian human rights not over

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The struggle to support Palestinian human rights at Durham College has taken many twists. A motion by the Student’s Association to support a boycott of Israel was only the first step. Lots of other players got in the action. Read our special campus correspondent’s report… (more…)

3 Canadians to join “Women’s Boat to Gaza” in September

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Retired University professor Marilyn Porter of Saint John’s Newfoundland is one of three Canadian women who will form part of a “Women’s Boat to Gaza”. CTIP asks professor Porter why she is doing it. Read more and watch her short video interview.  (more…)

Green Party to revisit boycott resolution at special meeting in Calgary in December

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The Green Party of Canada (GPC) will convene a special general meeting of members in Calgary on December 3 and 4 to reconsider contentious resolutions adopted at its August convention, including a motion to support the movement to boycott Israel (called BDS). The email from Executive Director Emily McMillan also revealed that an internal survey of members appears to show that while boycotting Israel does not have majority support in the party, a significant minority (29%) of GPC members does approve of it. What happens next? read more…. (more…)