Month: March 2023

Palestinian Community in Halifax scores victory over anti-Palestinian ignorance and prejudice

Inside the origins and evolution of traditional Palestinian costume

The black and white scarf known as the keffieh is a traditional piece of Palestinian clothing. But when students wore kuffiehs to a Halifax school on “culture day”, they were told to remove it. Mobilisation by the Palestinian community in Halifax, with support from allies including local members of Independent Jewish Voices Canada, obliged the principal to reverse the decision. (Photo credit: CJPME) Read more…


Europeans meet Palestinian victims in Huwara and condemn illegal settlements as the source of the violence in West Bank. Canada attends, but avoids signing joint press release

NOTE: David da Silva, Canada’s representative to the Palestinian Authority joined the meeting in Huwara along with other diplomats. Good.

But it appears his bosses in Ottawa wouldn’t allow him to sign the joint declaration which clearly said “settler violence is a result of Israels continued settlement activity.” da Silva’s tweet was good, but less clear about who was responsible.

What remains unclear is whether Canada or ANY of those signing the joint press release will take any action against Israel or whether the condemnations will remain devoid of consequence.

Canada Talks Israel Palestine (CTIP) is the weekly newsletter of Peter Larson, Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP). It aims to promote a serious discussion in Canada about Canada’s response to the complicated and emotional Israel/Palestine issue with a focus on the truth, clear analysis and human rights for all. Readers with different points of view are invited to make comment.

Want to learn more about us? Go to Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine

Astonishing Israeli Settler violence against Palestinian civilians. The Israeli press calls it a “pogrom”. But Canada dithers. Why?

On Sunday February 26, hundreds of Jewish settlers descended on Huwara, a tiny Palestinian town of less than 7,000 people bringing guns, molotov cocktails and batons. They burned cars, trashed houses, attacked civilians. One Palestinian was killed. Dozens injured. The population lives in fear. The Israeli press, and and even some Canadian liberal zionist groups, have described it as a “pogrom”. But the Canadian government refuses to call a “spade a spade”. Why not?
