Month: September 2022

OFIP announces greatly expanded Council of Advisors

The Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine relies on a 25 member Council of Advisors for support, advice, assistance, guidance and sometimes even help. It is composed of a wide range of Canadians from diplomats to religious leaders, from retired military to political commentators. We are delighted to announce that another twelve eminent Canadians have joined the council in 2022. Read more.


New research reveals Canadian UN diplomats uncomfortable with our consistent anti-Palestinian voting record

For the last two decades, Canada, along with the US and a handful of other nations, has consistently voted to shield Israel from criticism at the United Nations. Internal Global Affairs documents reveal that our own diplomats at the UN were concerned that our pro-Israel votes were hurting our international reputation. But they were consistently over-ruled by higher ups in Global Affairs and the Prime Minister’s office. Why? See our interview with lead author Michael Bueckert. …



Two weeks ago NDP leader Jagmeet Singh sent out a letter urging the Canadian government to take 13 sensible steps to defend the human rights of Palestinians. It seems to have upset the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs which launched an all out attack on Singh, claiming his support of human rights doesn’t promote “peace”. But without human rights, how can there be peace? Read more.


The challenges of reporting from Palestine: an OFIP webinar on September 13th with Mariam Barghouti, Senior Palestine correspondent for Mondoweiss

Mariam Barghouti is a Palestinian-American writer, blogger, researcher, commentator and journalist. She currently lives in Ramallah, Palestine where she is the Senior Palestine Correspondent for the independent digital publication Mondoweiss. On September 13, in an OFIP webinar Barghouti will share with her audience the dangers, challenges (and joys) of reporting from Palestine. Read more and register.
