Canada should “unequivocally” support the International Criminal Court: 375 scholars, lawyers and faith leaders urge Trudeau

In an open letter sent on May 29th to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau an impressive array of public opinion leaders urge that Canada reaffirm its support for the independence of the ICC and its Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan. Read more...

“We write to you as Canadian law professors, lawyers, legal scholars, academics, civil
society, faith and labour movement leaders, and former diplomats and parliamentarians,
” reads an open letter sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on May 29th. A copy of the full letter listing all signatories can be found here.

The open letter was signed by international lawyers Alex Neve, Michael Lynk, Ardi Imseis and 365 other international legal experts.

“We urge your government to issue a public statement unequivocally affirming the prosecutorial and judicial independence of the Court (..) in the situation in Palestine. (…) This should include a clear statement that any arrest warrants issued by the Court (…) will be enforced (…) on Canadian territory.”

The letter writers express concern over some of the statements by Prime Minister Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Foreign Affairs Minister Joly criticising the Court’s Prosecutor for requesting arrest warrants against both Israeli and Hamas officials on the basis that the two should not be seen as “equivalent”.

Those statements have worried many that Trudeau is under pressure to undermine the Prosecutor’s decision to press charges against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant. The implication of this for victims and survivors is that some are deserving of justice while others are not.

The Ottawa Forum’s vision is a Canada that pursues a fair and balanced public policy towards Israelis and Palestinians which respects international law and relevant UN resolutions and protects the human rights of all. The open letter to the prime minister aligns with these values.

Canadians who support the letter can send their own email with a copy of it to the Prime Minister at along with a copy your own Member of Parliament.


  1. Thanks for this, Peter – and thanks for signing the letter! Alex

    “The only time it is right to look down at someone is when we are offering our hand to help them get up.” Pope Francis – “Let Us Dream”


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