Month: June 2024

Listening to Bruce Cockburn; thinking about Gaza

The Bruce Cockburn concert at the NAC in Ottawa last week was delicious. He played many of his best loved songs and lots of new ones too. A real treat. But while we were listening to him, I couldn’t stop wondering how many people Israel would kill in Gaza that same night. (I found out the next morning). Read more…..


Who is shooting at Jewish schools in Canada? A call for a serious investigation rather than race-baiting

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, centre, delivers remarks while flanked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, right, during a news conference in Toronto on May 30, 2024.

Standing on a panel with Prime Minister Trudeau (l) and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow (r), Ontario Premier Doug Ford implicitly fingered “immigrants” as the culprits in a recent shooting at a Toronto girls school. While he didn’t mention any specific immigrant communities, it was clear he was pointing to Arab/Palestinian/Muslim Canadians. This a police issue that should be treated seriously. Read more…


Canada should “unequivocally” support the International Criminal Court: 375 scholars, lawyers and faith leaders urge Trudeau

In an open letter sent on May 29th to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau an impressive array of public opinion leaders urge that Canada reaffirm its support for the independence of the ICC and its Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan. Read more...
